Knowing When to Cut Your Losses

Knowing When to Cut Your Losses Hi, reader’s. I was working with a client the other day who has a number of small businesses, but this one business in particular wasn't doing very well. In fact, it had lost money every year since virtually it started ten years ago. I said to them: "Let's end this one. Let's cut our losses and move on from this one. There's just no way that it's going to work." It was just a...

How do I send an email to many clients?

How do I send an email to many clients?: 1) Go to the “Clients” tab 2) Check the boxes next to the clients you want to email. 3) Click on the “Email” button at the top of the table 4) Enter a subject 5) Write your message (there are no dynamic variables when sending mass emails) 6) Click “Send” and kick your feet up :D NOTE: CloudBooks is not an ideal system for mass emailing. We do allow it, but...

Freelancers: Keep your rate private

Freelancers: Keep your rate private A common question that I get about pricing is whether or not a freelancer should publicize their prices. I’ll admit, this is a tricky question. I remember the frustration I felt as a first-time freelancer looking for prices online to figure out what I should be charging. It was hard to find designers who listed the rates or flat fees. (more…)