Help your clients pay you on time

Check out our Chief Accountant Mark's five tips to help you get paid on time 1. Invoice promptly Make it part of your weekly routine to send invoices to your customers, so that you never get behind with your invoicing. Send your invoices by email rather than printing and posting them. It’s quicker, cheaper and more environmentally friendly. (more…)

7 Ways to Get Your Invoices Paid on Time

Managing to get payments on time is often a huge problem for small business owners. Online payment services have blossomed all over the Web to help businesses and consumers exchange money electronically. Thanks to these services, businesses can receive payments from virtually any customer with an email account from around the world. (more…)

How to Choose the Right Time Tracking Software for Your Business

In this day and age where time is money, businessmen need to ask themselves if they can afford to waste any of it. Any sane person would answer in the negative. We all know that time and tide wait for none. A lot of us wish for a 25th hour in the day just so that we could somehow squeeze in a few more pending tasks and take them to completion. (more…)