The Web – Savior of Small Businesses

Today’s super competitive market place does not allow for small businesses to take it easy. The big boys in the arena are always upping the ante in terms of their products, services and costs. Small businesses are left with no option but to compete in the cut-throat market or perish. The first accounting software to help small businesses was launched back in the 1990s. People then were still trying to come to terms with the Goliath that was the Web....

How to Choose the Right Time Tracking Software for Your Business

In this day and age where time is money, businessmen need to ask themselves if they can afford to waste any of it. Any sane person would answer in the negative. We all know that time and tide wait for none. A lot of us wish for a 25th hour in the day just so that we could somehow squeeze in a few more pending tasks and take them to completion. (more…)