Anticipate your Business Strategy with a Buy Sell Agreement

Anticipate your Business Strategy with a Buy Sell Agreement Hi reader’s. You know one of the sad facts in life is that so many people get divorced nowadays. I don't know what the rate is today. It used to be like 50% of marriages ended in divorce. Well drawing a parallel, 100% of businesses end at one point or another. Whenever you start a business and there's two or more owners because you know it's going to end one day,...

Minimize Interruptions to Maximize Productivity

Minimize Interruptions to Maximize Productivity Question, who likes interruptions? I don't, do you? But, unfortunately, we allow interruptions to rule our lives many times. When we're working in business, it's really important that we're focused. We're focused on what's most important, that we're working within our strength areas, that we can go ahead and produce highly. The issue is most very successful businesses have owners, management teams and employees who are very focused and very good at what they do....

Prioritize keywords and content | Steps to optimize your website

With limited for professionals and small businesses or resources, and much should prioritize keywords and content for the presence and optimization of a website in this competitive world. Without good and right choice of keywords (keywords) is almost impossible to optimize the content you want to make visible on the Internet. And without a good value no visibility into the network. Just do not get people who are interested in a certain product, service or solution that we can offer....