What Do your Customers Want

What Do your Customers Want I wanted to share with you a thought about who decides whether or not your business succeeds. Is it you? Is it your employees? Is it the product or service that you provide? It's really not any of those. They all contribute, but ultimately, success in your business is determined by your customers, as to whether or not you've served them in a way that they want to keep coming back. Your customer decides whether...

5 Time Management Tips for Small Business Owner

5 Time Management Tips for Small Business Owner Hi reader’s, I want to share some tips on how to manage your time better in your business. You know, managing time in your business should be a high priority for you. You want to maximize profits and the way to do that is when you spend more time on income-producing activities than you do on non-income-producing activities. To that end, I wanted to share five tips with you today on how...

Time is True Wealth

Time is True Wealth You've heard the saying, "Time is money" but I say time isn't money. Time is just, is something that's just really special in our lives. Time allows us the freedom to go out and do the different things that we want to do with our family, pursue other business opportunities, pursue hobbies, other interests and so forth. Time is a valuable thing to us and time is, I think of time as really value, excuse me,...