What Do your Customers Want

What Do your Customers Want

I wanted to share with you a thought about who decides whether or not your business succeeds. Is it you? Is it your employees? Is it the product or service that you provide? It’s really not any of those. They all contribute, but ultimately, success in your business is determined by your customers, as to whether or not you’ve served them in a way that they want to keep coming back.

Your customer decides whether your value proposition or whatever it is that you’re providing is going to be worthwhile or not. It’s important for you to measure, to understand, to learn, to find out what’s most important to your customer. If you can’t answer that question, then there’s no way that you’re going to succeed long term. Your competitors will beat you at some point.

It’s vital to understand what that customer wants, and so I encourage you to take the opportunity to start thinking about it from the customer’s side of the table not yours. Too often we’re very proud of what we do, our service, our product, or whatever our offering is, our employees, our team, our building, whatever it is, but none of that matters. It only matters if the customer is getting served in a way that they want to come back and do business with you over and over. Find out what the customer thinks, not what you think, and then make sure that you position yourself to provide them, to meet their expectations.