How I Organize My Entire Business

In this blog post, I’m going to show you how I organize my entire business. So we’re going to go over my physical office space, how I organize my digital files and even my to-do list. What I want you to know starting off, is that I am not naturally the world’s most organized person. It does not come easily to me. So I’m hoping that because it’s not something that comes easily to me, I’m actually going to be a better teacher of giving you strategies that you can use for yourself as well.

I know some people said, “It looks pretty tidy.” This mess and this mess drive me crazy. This is what I want to take care of today. All right, it’s looking pretty good, and let’s talk about the must-have elements for me for having an organized home office that is totally functional. So number one, everything must have a place. And I’m not the best at this, I’m a rule breaker remember? I like to change things up, I move my furniture all the time, I reorganize things all the time. I love that, it’s part of my creative passion to change constantly. But if I show you what my shelf looks like or my drawers look like, ideally everything has a spot, so that when I do pick up or I do want to put things back I know exactly where to put them.

Now let’s talk about organizing your files and paperwork. First of all, for any tangible, physical papers and paperwork, I have one place and one place only where I put those documents, and it’s just my inbox, my physical inbox in my office right behind me on a shelf. All the papers go there, and then I sort them when I get around to it, to be honest. But how about those digital files? So let’s dive into my Google Drive so I can show you how I have everything organized in my business.

Now we’re in Google Drive and this is inside of my folder for the entire business. So we divide everything into either operation or offers, or marketing. And in operations, we have things like our metrics, any kind of legal documents we need, budgeting and finance stuff, team operations, et cetera. In our offers folder are all of our products, and when you go into those folders it would be all the documents I need for each one of those products. And then finally we have our general marketing stuff. So this is where we have all of our blog documents, I write all of our video outlines and scripts and ideas here, all of our headshots and photos and graphics go in here. So I can easily find any headshots that I want to pull up because I know exactly where they’re located.

There’s one more thing I wanted to talk to you about, and that is how I manage my to-do list every single day. So we use an app called Asana, it’s totally free, to manage our entire business and do all of our project management. But then I actually have a physical planner here that I write in every day and put my to-do list right in this planner.

I log into an Asana every single day in order to check on my list of to-do’s and make sure that I’m up to date with everything that I need to get done. So what I do is, I’ve created a little save search here of just pulling up the things I need to get done on that day. And as you can see, there’s a lot of video stuff that I’m doing today. And I’ll just look at this and this is the stuff that I will then go and put into my paper planner. And when I plan my week, I have a project called To-Do This Week. So I’ll click on that and then I can actually outline my entire week all at once and make sure that I’m on top of all of my tasks.

Those are the main things that I do in my business to make sure that I am functioning at my highest level of productivity, and that I am completely organized even though the organization does not necessarily come naturally to me.