5 Ways to Effectively Increase CTR in an E-Commerce App/Website Through Data Tracking

As an e-commerce site administrator, one cannot ignore the power of user data collected during different stages of activities on your site. Many organizations collect and store these data, but they do not put them into good use, such as using them to increase the conversion ratio on their website.

Many users will visit your site and never comeback for further activities. However, if you properly use the data they submitted to your database during registration, you can effectively increase their return rate by 50% or more.

The purpose of every business is to maximize sales. One of the best ways to maximize sales is by getting your customers perform certain task, and those tasks can only be done when they are visible to the customer.

As an e-commerce administrator how can you use all that big data you’ve collected? In this article we shall be discussing how to properly utilize the customer and consumer data you collected to increase the conversion ratio.

What Kind Of Data Should You Track?

With the right analytic tools you can track the following information from a user; whether they carried out a transaction or not.

  • Email address.
  • Phone numbers.
  • Age and gender.
  • Residential Address which will give you clues on the region they live.
  • The pages they visited.
  • The links or product they clicked.
  • The keyword that brought them to your site.
  • The amount spent and product bought during last visit

1. Use Tracked Data to Create a Personalized, Shopping Experience For Customers

A study done by Infosys study, shows that 70% customers will spend 13% or more, if they are confident that the company selling to them has a superior service.
Through the personal data you collected from your customers or site visitors, you should be able to personalize certain recommendations to inform your customers about product and services they might have an interest.
The data you have tracked can also be used to study what certain customers from certain region prefer. This will help your target other audience from the same region effectively.

2. Use Your Tracked Data to Customize Special Offers and Promotions

One thing that drives traffic to an e-commerce site is special offers and promotions. According to Brendan Wilde, marketing manager at Domain4Less, “A mass audience promotion will not get you the customers you need to increase sales; you should also conduct special promotion that targets a particular audience.” For instance, if you are selling winter coat your promotion should be targeted at your audience that experience winter or during winter season.
Using the data you collected you can send email notification or SMS to your audience whom you know are living in areas that experience such season, clearly stating reasons they should buy winter coat even if they have one. Such customized offers will increase the number of daily visitors you get and the same time your CTR.

3. Use the Tracked Data for Product Feedback

The information you get from your customers, especially during period of huge sales should be used to improve your product and services. For instance many customers will leave negative reviews on some products. You should not take these reviews as a bad signal, rather as an avenue to improve on your services and increase sales.
You can ask your reliable customers who are willing to carry out a survey about your services such as features or products they would like you to add. You should also watch out for product review sites to study how certain customers react.

4. Use Tracked Data to Improve Your Marketing

Your business can not succeed without proper marketing. While many startups fail to properly utilize the data they gathered to improve their marketing department, the data serves as an avenue for marketers to understand the behavioral activities of prospects that become customers.
This implies that with these data, they see the journey of a prospect and target campaigns to influence and convert them to customers. In other words, your advertisement campaign will be targeted at the right audience.

5. Use Your Data to Create Sharable Content

One thing many e-commerce site administrators forget is creating blog content. While many see this as a job that should be left for bloggers; creating a blog section on your site and including helpful tips will increase your CTR. Many visitors will convert to customers if they read articles from your site about certain product or service. In a case where you sell Jewelries, offering tips on how to maintain them will increase your site visitors which in turn will convert to customers.

The data you gathered from your customers when properly utilized will serve as a source of increasing your conversion rate at the same time increasing sales and maximizing profits.