Time Tracking Software: Help Employees Feel Like Freelancers

We live in a world in which the makeup of an organization has changed. Many organizations have fewer full-time employees and instead rely on a series of part-time and freelance workers to implement critical business activities. If you have a diverse business model, you want the benefits of time tracking software. It can benefit both traditional employees and part-time and contracted workers.

Help Employees Feel Like Freelancers

The dream for many people is owning their own business or at least finding a job that gives them the flexibility to work from anywhere. It’s possible to restructure your business so that internal employees and external contractors choose from a dashboard the tasks they will work on each day. They can track their productivity and self-determine how much they will earn. This is easy with time tracking software. Using a work-task tracking software helps employees feel like freelancers. They get to decide what they spend their time on and earn more if they put forth more effort.

Use Task Codes to Restructure Your Business Activities

In some businesses, not just those following a process management model, it’s feasible to restructure all business activities to fit into a set of task codes. This is a way of thinking similar to what code will be assigned to a medical service in a doctor’s office. In many organizations, a physician will not perform a service if it is not billable under current federal Medicare and Medicaid rules. Your organization can create a set of task codes, one for each business task. This could look like a hierarchy of codes, one belonging to each department or team. Or, you can use universal task codes across the organization. That’s because taking a business call or typing a letter of correspondence looks the same in every operational area.

Give Employees More Ownership of Their Work = Pride

Just because people don’t work in your office doesn’t mean that they cannot take pride in their contractual employment and get the flexibility of working like freelancers. When you use time tracking software and employees of all types track their work and manage their time, they get to feel like freelancers. You can redesign your positions to be more flexible. Employees can begin to serve different client accounts or work in different geographical areas, but they can qualify to work on an increasing range of tasks. The longer they stay with your company, they get to enjoy more flexibility in work assignments. They become experts in your entire business model, and they can shift easily to different accounts or projects based on business needs.

Move to Cross-Functional Teams

If you set up all of your activities to fit a list of task codes, employees can truly work anywhere in the organization. They will have access to more tasks as they develop the subject-matter knowledge required to perform them. They are more like freelancers. Your company can reap the benefits of process management organizations, which often use cross-functional teams to increase productivity. Let’s see what this looks like. A company makes every task into a code that can be performed by anyone with the right qualifications. If employees want to move to a different cross-functional team, such as working on the marketing team or providing customer service, they can shift. This only requires a conversation between the leaders of the two teams. At the same time, employees from marketing can temporarily assist the customer service team with certain tasks to address business shortages or take advantage of limited-duration business opportunities.

We have more ideas on using time tracking software to change how work is managed in your company. Please contact us today.