10 Intelligent Ideas to Help Small Businesses Cut Costs

10 Intelligent Ideas to Help Small Businesses Cut CostsSmall businessmen are always trying to cut corners in a bid to lessen their expenses and increase profits. And why not? All entrepreneurs, experienced or otherwise, look for ways and means to cut their costs. It makes excellent business sense to be wise and frugal from the start instead of squandering away all that hard earned money without a plan. (more…)

19 Tactics on Twitter to promote your company

19 Tactics on Twitter to promote your company

If you have an account created in the social network Twitter for your SME or business, but still without a defined strategy to really leverage this channel marketing, I recommend 19 tactics on Twitter order to promote the online presence of your company.
19 tactics on Twitter (more…)

Increase the scope on Facebook – 4 Methods


Are you one of those who has realized that we must reverse the situation and return to increase the scope on Facebook? What’s happened? In recent years almost all companies have pushed hard to get “likes” (Likes) in their Fanpages Facebook. From a legal way or sometimes not so legal. But after a steady race to increase that blissful number of “likes”, is the world’s largest social network changed the algorithm months ago. (more…)