How to Plan Digital Transformation in Business

Embracing new technology can be a daunting task, especially if your currently non-digitized business is running smoothly as it is. It can feel like you are taking a gamble, so the absolute bottom line is to not rush in and assess everything before proceeding.

Planning a digital transformation takes time, and you should focus your thoughts on what it is your business needs exactly to be taken to the next level. Unnecessary changes and costs can be dangerous, so a solid plan is crucial. 

Predict the risks

No change in your business is without risk, so something as significant as a digital transformation comes with a few them. Predicting the risks of what adopting certain technologies could do to your business if they are not suited to you, they are too expensive, or they fail is one of the first actions to take. Being prepared for the worst means you can have contingency plans in place and can quickly revert back if necessary. 

In 2019 TechRadar suggested the advent of 5G could be a significant progression but also a considerable risk, as availability and costs were still ambiguous. With more revolutionary technological advances to come, ensuring you don’t fly blindly into something that won’t work for you is essential.

Get advice on new technology

Successful implementation of technology relies wholly on your team using those technologies effectively.”

That’s what Virgin states as a critical consideration when transforming your business digitally. Therefore, once you have identified the risks in your own business, it will be useful to seek advice from others. It may be worth your time to contact other businesses who have undergone a recent digital evolution or finding professionals who can help you with software workshops and training.

More information on getting help with Microsoft products is available at

Pilot your transformation

Transforming your business into a digital force should be a carefully trodden path and one you cannot rush. To make sure your steps are calculated, it is worth considering running a pilot of your newly adopted digital strategy. This means your transformation will be more easily reversible if it doesn’t pay off first time, giving you a second and third shot at it if necessary. 

Get feedback

If you are running a pilot, using focus groups can be an effective way of finding out what your customers, clients and stakeholders think of your transformation. The feedback you gain should be from people used to working with or shopping from digital businesses so that they can inform you of how you compare to more established models and where you can improve. 

When implementing a second wave of transformation, or improving what you have done so far, always consider what you have been told in your feedback. 

Analyze success

When you have calculated the risks, consulted experts, run a pilot and gained customer feedback, it’s time to analyze your success. Find out from your employees how they feel about working with the new system, monitor how the change has affected your leads, sales or marketing, depending on what it is you have chosen to digitize. 

As you move forward into your new, modern business model, you must continue to monitor and analyze the success of your transformation. Holding weekly or monthly meetings to discuss progress will help improve communication and understanding of your new way of operating while allowing you to tinker and tailor the new system to your business’s requirements.


Why Develop Strategic IT In The Company?

Information Technology (IT) goes far beyond improvements in operational activities, such as the management of payment flows, documents, and people. Increasingly, aiming to reduce failures and have access to reports that support decision making, leading companies have bet on strategic IT to improve their work. Seek here to
Get More Details About IT Companies

In my experience, I see many managers overworked, with busy schedules that make them spend too much time on routine tasks. This forces leaders to put aside the business’s tactical goals.

Therefore, it is necessary to be careful with this time management. That way, while you solve your internal problems, your competitors are looking for new markets.

How do they do it? You must be asking yourself that, right? I say that the answer is to give a more relevant role to IT! This is because strategic IT brings more quality helps to see new changes and provides more conditions to make complex choices.

Want to know more? So, follow in this post good reasons to give strategic IT the right place in the company. Check out!

Have IT services adhering to business processes

I always say that when strategic IT is adopted in the company, a complete preliminary study is made on the needs of that organization. Thus, all computer services are formulated in complete harmony with the enterprise, something that I consider essential. I believe you too, right?

Thus, if the company needs integration between the sectors, responses are built that satisfy this expectation. On the other hand, if the demand is to add innovation to goods and services, strategic IT is directed to meet these demands. Do you see how important this adjustment is?

Want an example?

I will quote a story that happened here at SML. Did you know that SML means simplicity, mobility, and freedom? That is what we defend. And with the increasingly remote work (home office), our strategic IT implemented a tool that allows calls directly from our notebook.

It is as if our extension accompanies us wherever we are. At home or in the office. It sounds simple, doesn’t it? But, the implementation of this tool is following what the company stands for (mobility) and made the lives of professionals much simpler (simplicity) and allows us to work from home or the office (freedom), regardless if you are a front professional office or back office, your extension will be with you.

This is strategic IT. Thinking not only of solving problems that keep us but also of problems that take us off! A solution was implemented fully in line with the company’s objectives and principles. Bringing much more transparency and efficiency to the processes!

Take progress for each of the departments

Strategic IT can be considered a consultancy for operational services. In addition to improving production and customer satisfaction, it also refines the specific service of the most varied wings that make up an organization.

Thus, strategic IT benefits the HR (Human Resources), the transport and logistics sector, the financial department, the process area, among others. Being able to bring answers to problems and automate activities, something that will have a significant impact on the overall result.

Want an example?

We have a successful case, from one of our customers, that automated a specific process and reduced the time of this process from 8 days to 30 minutes, eliminating the use of paper. Everything became digital.

The process was fully optimized to improve the relationship with the target audience and the desire to shorten the response time. Below, you can see a list of benefits that were found:

speed and standardization of activities;
service innovation.
integration of systems and databases.
information evaluation.
improving competitive conditions, more results.

This is strategic IT. They thought about the business and implemented tools that deliver results! And what a result, huh!

Grow more safely

Strategic IT can also be used to accelerate project analysis and feasibility. Because it will provide the necessary support for an organization to obtain reliable data, that is, real and true, during this process of evaluating whether or not a new project is feasible to be implemented.

The project feasibility analysis is a very important point to raise the chance level of success of a project. At this point, strategic IT can provide information speed.

Think of a company with multiple branches across the country. They are different states, different operations, stores in the most diverse addresses. Strategic IT helps to collect information in a system and ensure the accuracy of that data. And I go even further: it helps, above all, to interpret the meaning of this content in a way that this reading results in beneficial and relevant decision making for the organization.

In this way, strategic IT can help managers with complex reports on a company’s operations: its technology capacity, the quality of its professionals, the tax ratio that this business needs to pay, among other improvements. This will make the decision on new projects easier to make, as it will be based on consistent data.

Explore performance indicators better

Strategic IT contributes to a more improved analysis of performance indicators. With this, the manager gains a panoramic view of commercial or industrial activity. Based on consistent information, he decides what the next steps are to evolve.

The idea here is to have indicators in real-time, without having to wait until the end of the month to “close” the numbers! Remember that speed is the key to success today.

Decrease costs and expenses

Another benefit that I consider important is that strategic IT does not just think about the cost-benefit ratio. Strategic IT is not only concerned with whether a given tool delivers the necessary resources. Strategic IT thinks about how it can act to optimize processes and in addition to better results, reduce costs!

5 Magic Language Tricks that Make People Buy

Before we get started, I’ve got to make two things crystal clear. It is chock full of headline formulas to help you with your sales copy. So without further ado, let’s get to those copywriting tricks.

1: The first rule that your copy has got to be “you-focused. No, I’m not talking about you as in the person listening. Remember in high school when you were taught to never use the word “you” in your academic writing? Well, I’ve got a little secret for you. The exact opposite is true in copywriting. When you’re writing sales copy, you’ve got to always be talking to one person. This is going to create an authentic connection between you and your reader, the person you’re talking to.

2: The second rule that you’ve got to follow if you want to get more people to buy from you from your writing is to add humor. Humor snaps people out of their thought patterns and gets them to pay attention. For me personally, humor is just a part of my personality and my brand. You might not find me funny, but it’s still important to me to be able to be myself in my writing. So how can you turn a stale, a mundane part of your copy into something entertaining? The key is to do it naturally. It’s not about making inappropriate jokes or adding a bunch of exclamation points. Frankly, it’s just about being yourself.

3: The third rule I recommend following is what I like to call extreme honesty. This is what is truly going to push people over the fence from not sure if they want to buy from you to absolutely saying yes. One way of using extreme honesty is just by being clear on who is and is not a good fit for your offer. Another trick I love is to use extreme honesty to talk about the downside of your offer. Yes, there’s always a downside. For example, the downside of using the sales page kit, one of my products to rate your sales page, is that you have to do all the work. It’s going to be a lot less expensive than hiring a copywriter and you’re going to gain some great skills from it, but you do have to put in the work to write the page yourself.

4: This brings me to rule number four, which I like to call “super specificity.” Hands down, the biggest mistake I see people making in their copy is trying to be way too general in an effort to resonate with more people. But can I tell you the truth real quick? When you try to resonate with everybody, you wind up resonating with no one. So when I write sales copy, I always try to think of three people who are target clients of mine who I’ve worked within the past or I would love to work with in the future and I think of them specifically when I’m writing the copy, I make a list of all of their qualities and frustrations and desires so that I can mention those specific things in the sales copy. My favorite way of summing this up is with a James Joyce quote, “In the particular lies the universal.”

5: The fifth and final rule for writing great copy is what I like to call the “three-layered cake.” The three-layered cake is a metaphor I use to explain that you need to get at different levels of logic and reasoning and emotional connection in order to truly get someone to want to buy from you. Imagine a three-tiered cake and each tier of that cake represents an answer to the question, “Why should anyone care about that?” So you start off by asking yourself at the top tier, why should anybody care about purchasing my offer? What’s in it for them? Once you have an answer to that, ask yourself the question again, “Why should anyone care about that?” And then, you got it, you’re going to want to do it a third and final time to get your three-layered cake. Ultimately, you’re going to use all three layers of this cake in your sales copy.